Wisdom Nuggets of Life

Life as we know it – Purpose, Pleasure, Fulfillment, Contentment, Self, Ego, Sacrifice, Service

I wonder how can we break the patterns embedded into our karmic memory. People who go on spiritual journeys, are they already doing it without knowing it.

Questions to Enlightened Beings:
How to draw a linear line between Self Respect and Ego sneaking in. Often when we interact with people there are situations when we are working in collaboration with others, however, sometimes there are moments when the ego pops up from backdoor and make you feel about caring for your efforts instead of working without self. It acts as if it is trying to make sure you are not being cheated, misused, abused and taken granted of.

One way of doing such interactions or deeds is that we do those karmas in the name of God or Supreme Authority; the one we believe in form of Dualism. We then bring sacrifice into the picture that helps to cut the bouncing head of ego from propping up. But its difficult sabotaging that self which is working for you selflessly. Questions like these make us think how to conduct the mundane life in this materialistic world.

Dec-12-2022: Random memories clicking. I have come across Spiritiual #Guruji followers multiple times in my life. At first it was a few years ago when I met a broker while looking for apartment on rent in Chattarpur, Delhi. Ekta aunti ji was looking to gift her son a travel package. I managed to arrange the same somehow. Later at my workplace I noticed one of my senior was also a follower of the Spiritual Master. You would see the Guru Ji written on Cars and shops in you travel around the Chattarpur area. So later after covid while I was in my hometown Palampur, I joined I Light Global NGO run by Dr. Rajiv Nagpal. Its serving the purpose of imparting Education & Health to underprivileged children. After sometime, I found that he is also a follower of Guru Ji and they attend Satsangs in Boston, USA. This year I moved to Delhi. I am staying at a friend’s (Ashish Arora) place and I found his mother also following the same Guru Ji. They had arranged a Satsang in their house yesterday. I saw the beautiful glimpses of how the food and everything is being respected during this event. Knowledge and practice of an ideal way of living is being imparted which in itself is a greater thing in life. So, today i was recalling that I have come across Guru Ji many times in my life in many forms it seems. Jai Guru Ji.


I wonder all of us want to live a happy, peaceful and satisfied life., isn’t it ? Despite all of us being divided in different different forms, we all are trying to find happiness in our day to day life. We feel after passing an exam, clearing a job interview, getting promotion, praying with respect to Allah, Bhagwan, Guru Nanak, Jesus, All Divine Powers, getting married, having kids, having grandkids, having parties, having fun, having a successful business, having favorite meal, playing sport, pursuing passion, and what not, we all are trying to get happy in one way or the other.
I wonder if the purpose of everyone is to be happy and the old age social frameworks or cultures around us are designed in such a way that they guide us to progress and live happily. Why despite having centuries old frameworks and that too with on-going/continuous improvement in the process to keep ourselves afloat as the time evolves, we struggle to be on track of achieving the happiness. Or is it that our frameworks & cultures slip up while updating themselves and are not able to stay afloat. And we are not willing to accept that our old framework can’t be a good fit to the current times. Or Are we not willing to bring the required changes as it may cause some good damage in the old patterns.
If all of us think that our system is a good one and can be implemented across everywhere then why are we not willing to collaborate, why do we think of others as inferiors. If we think of others as inferiors then how are we a good system that can be implemented everywhere, i guess we are not. We first need to overcome our own mental barriers of superiority (Ego). If we say God is everywhere and God is in every being then how come we start drawing the comparisons in our thoughts. We are not following our own preaching it simly means that and it is big time for us to introspect every word and line that is being bestowed upon us. All of us have to walk that change in our own lives and it all comes down to the level of thinking, it starts from the thoughts developed by our own mind. Our mind which stores, remembers, calculates, produce. Its a factory which runs quite at a good speed, we have to watchful, mindful for every raw material it consumes in the form of news, books, teachings, words, lines, poems, prayers, lessons, stories, jokes & hates. A factory with automated bots running all the time wether you work sleep eat drink , it processes wether with intention or without intention, with the flow or with the close attention, it produces results, consequences that create the impact in this world. So be very watchful of your own emotions first, then the thoughts, then the words & actions of which you are the only creator.

I wonder a normal person busy with his mundane life of work & social culture may not be that mindful and not willing to collaborate as he may not be able to understand the embedded patterns. But we have ideal ones who have chosen to sacrifice their personal lives or dedicated their lives to higher purpose. We have Gurus, Spiritual Masters, Pandits, Maulvis, Monks, Pastors who understand things from a higher level and are able to guide common people in their lives. I wonder why they fail to collaborate with each other and bring the required change in the world order. They are the ones who have shed their ego and become enlightened and are guiding others on the path. Why can’t we come together and bring a system that solves the complex problem which have manifested due to ego of superiority. I feel that many problems have arisen due to lack of understanding and correct interpretation of the teachings. If God had laid some principles for us by coming on earth and those very principles must be the correctly understood and interpreted in the current time when the communication across any corners of the world has become so easy and transparent. Any feedback or criticism should be discussed with an open mind and be resolved. If someone is not able to understand anything then there is a reason for the same. We must look to find the root cause of the problem and resolve it with empathy and compassion. We all say that there is no problem that our God cannot solve. So, we will take the help of our God while we are trying to create a better world order for every being on this earth.

07/17/2023 Day of Tears of Ecstasy during Meditation: A very profound experience in my life. I am not able to express what was felt during the session, it was out of pure love for the One. Request to the beloved Baba for the acceptance of this soul. Nothing else and nothing more, a complete emptiness and oneness. I don’t know how to express it but it was something rich and fulfilling.

07/27/2023 When we start practicing a particular system we often start accumulating the bias in our thought process. It may result in ignoring or looking down on others. Its an Ego trap that we get into. Superiority Complex and Inferiority Complex – we must become conscious of these. We should look at others with kindness then only we can understand the true rational behind it. We must be open to learn and new ideas throughout our lives. Whenever we come across any instances in our lives where the thought process of others is not matching with us then we must first question – what are the consequence of that process – is it out of kindness and wholeness, is it progressive and sustainable. Does it help the Nature’s whole ecosystem or is it destructive and harmful. We must try to understand things in completeness.


Every invention of human being has its own pros and cons. Some inventions have more pros than cons, while others have more cons than pros. It is important to weigh the pros and cons of an invention before deciding whether or not to use it.

Here are some examples of inventions with both pros and cons:

  • The internet: The internet has made it possible for people to connect with each other from all over the world, share information, and learn new things. However, the internet can also be used for malicious purposes, such as spreading misinformation and cyberbullying.
  • Social media: Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have allowed people to connect with friends and family in a new way. However, social media can also be addictive and can lead to cyberbullying and other forms of online harassment.
  • Nuclear power: Nuclear power is a clean and efficient way to generate electricity. However, nuclear power plants also pose a risk of accidents, such as the Chernobyl disaster.
  • Genetically modified organisms (GMOs): GMOs are organisms that have had their genes altered in a way that does not occur naturally. GMOs can be used to improve crop yields and create foods with new nutritional properties. However, there is some concern that GMOs could pose a health risk to humans or could harm the environment.
  • Invention of Language and Signs: You can educate someone in the right direction if used well the power of communication through well articulated words (language) or you can drain their brains and misdirect or misinform them. There are


My New Year Resolution is to work on alignment of:
My Thoughts
My Words
My Actions

Year by year is passing by, sometimes I feel how difficult it is to change people and establish this world. Who is causing the trouble in this world, its this human mind only when not given the right direction and ecosystem to grow. People are attracted towards endless distractions in this world.

#WisdomNuggets #WisdomNuggetsOfLife