Evolution and Elevation of the Self: We must observe the role of data, information, news. What it does to our own minds and souls. Information is passed on to us in the form of news and social media, viral posts. That information is created by someone by applying his mind which was trained through a process of knowledge and experience. Knowledge gained from different materials like books, conversations, online posted content. Experience gained while achieving things in the pursuit of that knowledge and its application. During this process if we are not conscious enough of our own self and mind then we keep on flowing through whatever comes our way.
An example of this can be seen around easily during political campaigns. People start identifying themselves with a particular party either because it meets their idealogy or they are just looking to select one side or there could be other variables. We see people using demeaning words for each others just to win over their argument. New terms, slogans, narratives are created by some brilliant minds to serve their masters and make their agendas powerful and successful. So we must pay attention to every word, narrative that we use in our conversations with others irrespective of which side they support, be it the same or the opposite.
We should be constructive in our own ways to know why at first place such word or term was created. Could it have ben said in a simple and respectful manner that does not evoke any emotion and rather makes sense to our logical mind or common sense. Who create such material, strong words and why do they create such words? Think about it, at the end, who is getting divided, why are we burning our own goodself in the pursuit of opposing each other or hating each other. And what have we been able to achieve out of all this, we must stay together to bring the real changes in the system.
People are feeding themselves by fooling the innocent souls and naive minds. But does it make sense to make your living by misusing others. Would you do that? Are you helping others to do the same? How many times have you tried so far if you think no I am thinking right and I know this is right and that is wrong? Has that really made the difference at the scale you expected it? Are you humble to accept that your thought process can be wrong too? Everything at the end starts with Self-Introspection which is at the center of real improvement. If everyone starts doing it then we can achieve the goal of an Ideal World for Everyone!