How to Use the SUMIF Formula in Excel for Conditional Summing

When working with large datasets in Excel, it can be difficult to calculate specific values or totals that meet certain conditions. Fortunately, Excel provides a function called SUMIF that allows you to easily sum the values in a range that meet a certain criteria. In this post, we’ll explore how to use the SUMIF formula in Excel to automate conditional summing.

Syntax of SUMIF Formula

The syntax of the SUMIF formula is as follows:
=SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])

  • range: This is the range of cells that you want to evaluate based on the criteria. It can be a single column or row, or multiple columns or rows.
  • criteria: This is the criteria that you want to use to determine which cells in the range to sum. It can be a number, text, or a logical expression, enclosed in quotes.
  • sum_range: This is the range of cells that you want to sum. It must be the same size as the range argument. If you omit this argument, the formula will sum the cells in the range argument.

Here’s an example of how to use the SUMIF formula:

Suppose you have a sales data for a company, and you want to calculate the total sales of a specific product. You can use the SUMIF formula to do this as follows:

  1. Select the cell where you want to display the result.
  2. Type the following formula into the formula bar:
    =SUMIF(A2:A10, “Product A”, B2:B10)
  3. Press enter.

The formula will evaluate the range A2:A10 to see if any cell matches the criteria “Product A”. If a cell matches the criteria, the formula will add the corresponding value from the range B2:B10 to the sum. The formula will then return the total sales for Product A.

Using SUMIF with Multiple Criteria

Sometimes, you may need to sum values based on multiple criteria. You can do this by using the SUMIFS formula, which is similar to SUMIF, but allows you to specify multiple criteria. The syntax of SUMIFS formula is as follows:

=SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], …)

Here’s an example of how to use the SUMIFS formula:

Suppose you have a sales data for a company, and you want to calculate the total sales of a specific product for a specific region. You can use the SUMIFS formula to do this as follows:

  1. Select the cell where you want to display the result.
  2. Type the following formula into the formula bar:
    =SUMIFS(B2:B10, A2:A10, “Product A”, C2:C10, “East”)
  3. Press enter.

The formula will evaluate the range A2:A10 to see if any cell matches the criteria “Product A”, and evaluate the range C2:C10 to see if any cell matches the criteria “East”. If a cell matches both criteria, the formula will add the corresponding value from the range B2:B10 to the sum. The formula will then return the total sales for Product A in the East region.


The SUMIF formula in Excel is a powerful tool for calculating values that meet specific conditions. It can save you a lot of time and effort when working with large datasets. By mastering the SUMIF formula, you can streamline your work and make your Excel spreadsheets more efficient.

Another example, let’s say you have the following data in columns B and J of the sheet named ‘sheet’:


If you use the formula =SUMIF('sheet'!B:B,1,'sheet'!J:J), Excel will add up the values in column J for all the rows where the corresponding cell in column B equals 1. So, it will add up the values 5, 8, and 2 (because those are the values in column J for the rows where column B equals 1), and the final result will be 15.

Relative vs Absolute Cell Reference

In Excel, cell references are used to refer to cells or ranges of cells in formulas or functions. There are two types of cell references: relative and absolute.

Relative cell references are references that change based on the position of the formula or function. For example, if you have a formula in cell B2 that references cell A1, and you copy the formula to cell B3, the reference to cell A1 will change to A2. This is because the reference is relative to the position of the formula or function.

Absolute cell references, on the other hand, do not change based on the position of the formula or function. Instead, they always refer to the same cell or range of cells. An absolute reference is indicated by the use of a dollar sign ($) in the reference. For example, if you have a formula in cell B2 that references cell A$1, and you copy the formula to cell B3, the reference to cell A$1 will remain the same.

To summarize, relative cell references change based on the position of the formula or function, while absolute cell references always refer to the same cell or range of cells, regardless of the position of the formula or function.

here’s an example table with values to illustrate the use of relative and absolute cell references in Excel:

EmployeeHours WorkedHourly RateTotal Pay

Let’s say you want to calculate the total pay for each employee for the entire month, assuming a 4-week work month. You can use an absolute reference for the hourly rate and hours worked, and a relative reference for the total pay for each week.

To do this, you can use the following formula in cell D2:


Copy the formula down to the other rows to get the total pay for each employee for the week.

Then, to calculate the total pay for the month, you can use the following formula in cell E2:


In this formula, we used absolute references for the hourly rate ($B$1) and the number of hours worked ($C$1) so that they do not change as the formula is copied to other cells.

However, we used a relative reference for the range of cells to sum (D2:D5) so that the formula adjusts the range as it’s copied to the other employees.

Copying the formula to other rows will give you the total pay for each employee for the entire month.

Array Formulas in Excel

The syntax of an array formula in Excel is different from a regular formula. Here’s the general syntax for an array formula:


Note that the curly braces are not typed by the user but are added automatically by Excel when you press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to enter the formula.

Here’s an explanation of each part of the syntax:

  • { and }: These are curly braces that surround the formula and indicate that it is an array formula.
  • =: This is the equals sign that precedes the function name.
  • Function: This is the name of the function you want to use in the array formula.
  • Array: This is the range of cells or array of values that the function will operate on.
  • *: * symbol is used as a logical operator to combine multiple conditions and test them simultaneously.

When you enter an array formula, Excel applies the function to each element of the array and returns a new array of results. This means that the result of an array formula can be an array of values, not just a single value.

Remember to press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to enter the array formula, instead of just pressing Enter.

In the context of this array formula, the * symbol is used to combine multiple logical conditions into a single logical expression.

The formula uses the * symbol to perform logical AND operations between the logical expressions

This means that the IF function will return a value of 1 if all of these conditions are true for a given row in the table, and 0 otherwise.

The SUM function then adds up all of the 1‘s and 0‘s returned by the IF function to count the number of matches that meet all of the conditions.

So, in this formula, the * symbol is used as a logical operator to combine multiple conditions and test them simultaneously.

1John Smith35MaleNew YorkLawyer
2Jane Doe28FemaleLos AngelesDoctor
3Bob Brown42MaleChicagoEngineer
4Alice Lee31FemaleSan FranciscoDesigner
5Tom Jones47MaleMiamiBusinessman
6Lisa Green25FemaleAtlantaWriter
7Mike Kim38MaleSeattleProgrammer
8Sarah Tan29FemaleHoustonScientist
9David Chen45MaleBostonProfessor
10Emily Wong26FemaleWashingtonPolitician

here are some examples of array formulas:

  1. Multiply two arrays element-wise:

This formula multiplies each element in range A1:A5 with its corresponding element in range B1:B5, and returns an array of the results.

  1. Calculate the sum of the top 3 numbers in a range:

This formula uses the LARGE function to return the top 3 numbers in the range A1:A10, and then sums those numbers using the SUM function.

  1. Count the number of times a value appears in a range:

This formula uses the IF function to check if each cell in the range A1:A10 contains the value “apple”. If a cell does contain “apple”, the formula returns 1; otherwise, it returns 0. The SUM function then adds up all of the 1s and 0s to give the total count of “apple” in the range.

Common Errors in Excel

There are one or more cicular reference where a formula refers to its own cell either directly or indirectly. This might cause them to calculate incorrectly


The circular reference warning message in Excel indicates that there is a formula in a cell that is referencing itself either directly or indirectly. This creates a circular reference, where Excel cannot calculate the value of the formula because it depends on itself.

Here are some steps to resolve a circular reference warning in Excel:

  1. Locate the cell that is causing the circular reference warning. The cell will have a small green triangle in the upper-left corner.
  2. Determine why the circular reference is occurring. Is the formula in the cell referring to the cell itself, or is it referring to another cell that eventually refers back to the original cell?
  3. Edit the formula so that it no longer refers to itself. For example, you can change the cell reference in the formula to refer to another cell or remove the circular reference altogether.
  4. If you are unsure how to fix the circular reference, you can use the Formula Auditing tools in Excel to trace the precedents and dependents of the cell. This will help you identify where the circular reference is occurring and how to fix it.
  5. After you have fixed the circular reference, Excel will no longer display the warning message. However, you should always double-check your formulas to ensure that they are working correctly.

In summary, circular references can cause your formulas to calculate incorrectly, so it is important to identify and fix them as soon as possible.

An example with a sample data table to help illustrate the concept of circular references.

Suppose you have a data table in Excel with three columns: A, B, and C. Column C contains a formula that refers to the value in column B, and column B contains a formula that refers to the value in column A. However, you accidentally included a reference to column C in the formula in column A, creating a circular reference.

Here is an example data table with circular references:

Column AColumn BColumn C

In this example, cell A1 contains a circular reference, as it refers to cell C1 which in turn refers to cell A1. This creates a loop that Excel cannot resolve.

To fix this circular reference, you can modify the formula in cell A1 to refer only to column B, and remove the reference to column C. The modified table would look like this:

Column AColumn BColumn C

By removing the circular reference, Excel can now calculate the formulas in the table correctly.

In summary, circular references can cause issues in Excel calculations, but they can be resolved by identifying the source of the circular reference and modifying the formula to eliminate the loop.

ERROR: There’s a problem with this formula. Not trying to type a formula?


There’s a problem with this formula” error message in Excel typically indicates that you have accidentally entered a formula syntax into a cell, but you did not intend to do so. This can happen if you start typing an equal sign (=) in a cell, which is used to begin a formula, but then you accidentally hit another key or press Enter before completing the formula.

Here are some common reasons why you might see this error message:

  1. Accidentally typing an equal sign in a cell: If you start typing an equal sign in a cell, Excel will assume that you are entering a formula. If you do not intend to enter a formula, you can simply delete the equal sign to remove the error message.
  2. Typing an incorrect formula syntax: If you are trying to enter a formula but make a mistake in the syntax, Excel will display the “There’s a problem with this formula” error message. In this case, you will need to correct the formula syntax to remove the error.
  3. Pasting data that contains a formula: If you copy and paste data from another source that contains a formula, Excel will paste the formula syntax into the cell. If you did not intend to paste a formula, you can choose to paste the data as values instead, which will remove the formula syntax.
  4. Incorrect cell references: If your formula contains incorrect cell references, Excel will not be able to calculate the formula correctly and will display the error message. You will need to correct the cell references in the formula to remove the error.

In summary, the “There’s a problem with this formula” error message in Excel usually indicates that you have accidentally entered a formula syntax into a cell when you did not intend to do so. You can usually resolve the error by deleting the formula or correcting any syntax or reference errors in the formula.

Here’s an example of a data table in which the “There’s a problem with this formula” error message may appear:

Column AColumn BColumn C

In this example, cell B2 contains an error, as the formula syntax is incomplete. The formula appears to be trying to multiply a value by something, but the “*” operator is not followed by any values or cell references.

If you try to enter this formula into cell B2, or if you copy and paste the entire table into Excel, you will likely see the “There’s a problem with this formula” error message appear in cell B2.

To fix this error, you would need to correct the formula in cell B2 by entering the correct values or cell references to be multiplied. For example, if you wanted to multiply the value in cell A2 by the value in cell B1, the correct formula would be:


With the correct formula syntax entered, the data table should look like this:

Column AColumn BColumn C

In summary, the “There’s a problem with this formula” error message can appear in Excel when a formula syntax is incomplete, incorrect, or contains invalid references. You can usually fix the error by correcting the formula syntax or removing any invalid references.

“How to Fix Excel Formula Returning Dates Instead of Numbers”

Example while using the formula =IF(AND(MONTH(C2)=5, YEAR(C2)=2009),1,0)
its returning 00-01-1900 instead of 1 and 0 as output value.

The formula you provided is an Excel formula that checks if a given date in cell C2 is in May 2009 and returns either 1 or 0 depending on the result of the check.

The reason why the formula is returning “00-01-1900” instead of 1 or 0 is because the cell where the formula is located is formatted as a date, and Excel is interpreting the formula result as a date.

To fix this issue, you can change the formatting of the cell where the formula is located to a general or number format. To do this, right-click on the cell, select “Format Cells”, and then choose either “General” or “Number” format.

Alternatively, you can modify the formula to include an IF statement to return the desired output. Here’s the modified formula:

=IF(AND(MONTH(C2)=5, YEAR(C2)=2009),1,0)

This formula checks if the date in cell C2 is in May 2009, and if it is, it returns 1. If it’s not, it returns 0. This formula should return the expected output regardless of the formatting of the cell.


The VLOOKUP function is a very useful tool in Excel for looking up and retrieving data from a table. However, it does have some limitations. Here are a few of the main limitations of VLOOKUP:

  1. Exact Match Requirement: VLOOKUP requires an exact match to retrieve the data. If there is a typo or spelling mistake, the function will not work. This can be particularly challenging when working with large datasets or data that is not standardized.
  2. Only Searches from Left to Right: VLOOKUP can only search for data from left to right in the table. It cannot search vertically or search for data in columns to the left of the lookup column.
  3. Only One Value Returned: VLOOKUP only returns the first matching value in the table. If there are multiple matches, it will only return the first one.
  4. No Dynamic Updating: VLOOKUP does not automatically update the result if the data in the lookup table is changed. This means that the user must manually update the function each time the data changes.
  5. Slow Performance with Large Data Sets: VLOOKUP can be slow and resource-intensive when used with large datasets. This can cause Excel to slow down or even crash if there are too many calculations being performed.

Overall, while VLOOKUP is a powerful tool for retrieving data in Excel, its limitations may require users to resort to other functions or tools to achieve the desired results.

In order to address limitation: VLOOKUP can only search for data from left to right in the table. It cannot search vertically or search for data in columns to the left of the lookup column.
you can use the INDEX and MATCH functions together to overcome the limitation of VLOOKUP only searching from left to right. The combination of INDEX and MATCH functions can be used to look up data both vertically and horizontally, and can also search for data in columns to the left of the lookup column.

Here’s an example of how you can use INDEX and MATCH functions together to achieve the same result as a VLOOKUP:

=INDEX(Table_Array, MATCH(Lookup_Value, Lookup_Column, 0), Column_Index)

  • Table_Array: the range of cells that contains the data you want to retrieve
  • Lookup_Value: the value you want to look up
  • Lookup_Column: the column in the Table_Array that contains the Lookup_Value
  • Column_Index: the column number (starting from 1) in the Table_Array that contains the data you want to retrieve

Using this formula, you can look up data in a table both horizontally and vertically, and can also search for data in columns to the left of the lookup column.

How to Create a Calculated Field in Excel for Quick and Easy Data Analysis

What Are Calculated Fields?

Calculated fields are custom calculations that you create in your pivot table. These calculations use data from the existing fields in your pivot table and perform a mathematical operation or formula on that data. The resulting value is then displayed in a new column in your pivot table.

For example, let’s say you have a pivot table that shows the total sales for each region in your company. You can use a calculated field to calculate the average sales per employee by dividing the total sales by the number of employees in each region. This allows you to see not only the total sales for each region, but also how much each employee in that region contributes to those sales.

To create a calculated field in your pivot table, follow these steps:

  1. Select the pivot table where you want to add the calculated field.
  2. Go to the “PivotTable Analyze” or “Options” tab in the ribbon.
  3. Click on “Fields, Items, & Sets” in the “Calculations” group.
  4. From the dropdown, select “Calculated Field”.
  5. In the “Name” field, enter a name for the calculated field.
  6. In the “Formula” field, enter the formula for the calculated field using the field names and operators.
  7. Click “Add” to create the calculated field.

Once you have created the calculated field, it will appear in your pivot table like any other field. You can then use it to analyze and summarize your data.

Here is a video reference that explains how to add a calculated field in a pivot table in Excel:

This video provides a step-by-step guide and visual demonstration of the process. It also includes some tips and tricks to help you make the most of calculated fields in pivot tables. I hope you find it helpful!

By Pankaj

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